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Take the Quiz: Which Baby Mammal Are You?

Platypus Media announces the arrival of a new baby... baby mammal, that is! This is How I Grow was released in March. The Spanish language edition, Así crezco, will be released on October 7.

Why are mammals so fascinating? It's probably because there are a huge variety of species that have families and childhood experiences just like you!

While habitats, colors, and shapes all change, baby mammals still rely on their mothers’ milk for healthy growth, and look to their communities for support and guidancein just the same way as human babies.

This is How I Grow and Así crezco explore the different paths baby mammals take to become all grown up. Through beautiful, panoramic illustrations and fascinating text, kids learn how long baby mammals, such as whales, polar bears, and giraffes, take on their way to maturity.

Showing children how mammals care for each other and their families in the natural world fosters empathy, kindness, and compassion in interpersonal and interspecies interactions.

Take that empathy a step farther and get in touch with your wild side! Which baby mammal are you? Take our quiz to find out!

Learn more about the baby mammals we're expecting!

Bats, squirrels, and kangaroos... oh my! Watch all of these mammals grow up in This is How I Grow and Así crezco . Page through the expansive panoramic illustrations, and explore the vast diversity of the mammal world.

Are you an educator? We have a wonderful Teacher's Guide to expand and extend the content in the book. To download, click here.

The paperback editions retail for $12.95.

Until September 30th, get each title for just $8.95!

Just use the code GROW at checkout.

Offer includes Free Shipping

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