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  • Babies Nurse in Spanish | Platypus Media

    Read the Press Release in English or Spanish Size: 10 7/8 x 8 3/8 | Page count: 32 Age Range: 4-7 Grade Range: preschool-2nd grade ​ Hardback: $14.95 | Paperback: $9.95 | eBook: $8.99 Available in a bilingual (English/Spanish) format June 2018 and an English-only format October 2018 Bilingual Hardback ISBN: 978-1-930775-73-2 Bilingual Paperback ISBN: 978-1-930775-72-5 Bilingual eBook ISBN: 978-1-930775-40-4 ​ English Hardback ISBN: 978-1-930775-61-9 English Paperback ISBN: 978-1-930775-71-8 English eBook ISBN: 978-1-930775-75-6 ​ Free downloadable Teacher's Guide available. Babies Nurse Así s e alimentan los bebés Esta hermosa colaboración entre una bibliotecaria del área infantil y un jugador de la NBA que se volvió acuarelistapresenta el acto más natural y amoroso: el amamantamiento de las madres a sus críos. Ganador del Premio Productos Favoritos de los Padres, las luminosas ilustraciones y el lírico texto bilingüe (Inglés/ Español) de este libro dan a los niños un vistazo a los mundos de 13 diferentes criaturas mamíferas. Cautivadoreshechos sobre su infanciaamplían también el conocimiento del joven lector acerca de cada animal. La lactancia como tema central del libro motiva conversaciones acerca de la paternidad, la biología, los espacios naturales, la supervivencia y demás temas afines, haciendo de este libro una opción entrañable tanto para los infantes como para lectores en la escuela primaria. BILINGÜE (INGLÉS/ESPAÑOL) JUNIO 2018 PRÓXIMA APARICIÓN EN INGLÉS OCT 2018 "creaun espacio adecuado para explorar la alimentación y el apego normaldel infante " "crea imágenes positivas acerca de la lactancia" Una porción de todas las ventas de estelibroserá donada a Liga internacional de La Leche Lo que los expertos dicen... “¡Qué libro más encantador! Despierta la empatía de un infante por los demás y abre sus ojos al mundo de la naturaleza.Muy tierno y educativo.” —Dr. Harvey Karp, FAAP, autor de The Happiest Baby on the Block (El Bebé más Feliz de la Cuadra) “Sencillo, escrito en rima, con un texto bilingüe y amables y apacibles ilustraciones, el libro introduce allector y oyente infantila la más natural y amorosa de las actividades: las madres alimentando suscríos. Madres y bebés de los campos, de la jungla, del aire o del agua son presentados en un escenario semejante demostrando que todos los bebés mamíferos son alimentados en la misma forma. Este libro será invaluable al mostrar la lactancia como algo completamente natural, normal, amoroso y bueno para ambos las madres y los bebés” ​ —Wendy Watson, autora y/o ilustradora de más de 60 libros para niños, Phoenix, Arizona “Las ilustraciones son sublimes. Los hermosos colores y las líneas fluidas permiten al lector ver a los bebés alimentarse delicada ynaturalmente.¡Hacer este libro bilingüe es una maravillosa manera de exponer más alternativas de lenguaje a las mentes de los bebés! Este bello libro es un perfecto regalo para cada nuevo bebé.” —Alejandrina Vostrejs, Certificada Birthing From Within Mentor and Doula (Maestra y Comadrona de Partos desde Dentro) “Este hermoso libro demuestra de una espléndida manera la conexión intuitiva y natural entre una madre y su crío. La lactancia es el primer paso en el cultivo de una mente, un sentido del instinto y un espíritu saludables para ambos la nueva mamá y sus pequeños. Como pediatra y madre, valoro la sencilla narrativa acompañada de las lindas ilustraciones. ¡Genial y alentador!” —Kristin Struble, M.D., autorade How to Be a “Poop” Detective (Como ser un detective “Popó”) Read all the Reviews Si a usted le gusta este libro, Le encantará: ​ Cuddled and Carried/ Consentido y cargado Los bebés, ya sea en cuevas nevadas, cálidas lagunas, acogedores nidos o salas de estar, son cargados y acurrucados, alimentadosyacariciados. Este libro es una celebración del estrechonexo entre un padre y su criatura en todo el reino animal. Impactantes imágenes y una rima elegante capturarán la curiosidad de hasta los lectores más pequeños. En la parte posterior del libro, guías de discusión, vocabulario animal e información acerca de los primeros alimentos de una cría estimulan a los niños a aprender más acerca de estos 18 animales. El libro presenta conceptos científicos básicos, tales como los hábitats, exhortando a los niños a que comparen su vecindario con la jungla, el océano o el ártico. También vendidos en un set como la Colección Nurtured and Nuzzled (Criados y Acariciados) Bilingüe ISBN: 978-1-930775-75-6 Inglés ISBN: 978-1-930775-74-9 ​ $17.95 "¡Enfáticamente recomiendo estos librospara su uso personal o educativo!” ​ — José Avilés, Director de Escuela, Academia Antonia Alonso Charter School, Wilmington, Delaware Acerca de la autora Bibliotecaria en una escuela primaria, autora de libros infantiles y madre de tres niños, Phoebe Fox escribió Babies Nurse / Así se alimentan los bebés para mostrar a los niños como todos los mamíferos proveen leche para sus vástagos. Fox buscó enfatizar la calidez y la belleza de la lactancia al mismo tiempo que mostraba que todos los mamíferos comparten ciertos criterios en la alimentación, protección y enseñanzas que dan a sus criaturas. Con títulos universitarios en Desarrollo de la Infancia Temprana e Instrucción Curricular, Phoebe estuvoespecíficamente bien posicionada para presentar esta información de una manera atractiva para los pequeños lectores. Basándose en su propia experiencia como una madre lactante, y queriendo presentar de una manera clara y precisa lo relativo a este“artenatural,” ella consultózoólogosy pediatraspara recrear esta práctica en una sencilla introducción. Ella también es la autora de: Starry’s Haircut, Starry Gets Lost (Corte de Pelo de Starry, Starry se Pierde), y Up Up Up (Arriba, Arriba, Arriba) Ganador del Premio 2015 a la Primera Edición de un Libro Infantil. Visítela en . Fox vive en Phoenix, Arizona, con su esposo y sus tres hijos. Puede ser contactada en . Cuando llegó la hora de buscar un ilustrador para el libro, Phoebe le pidió a su suegro, Jim Fox , si él aceptaría la tarea. Retirado dela NBA donde jugó con los Phoenix Suns, Jim fue él mismo un recipiente de mucha de la leche de su propia madre y dice que los beneficios son obvios: él mide 6’ 10”, es un hombre saludable y ha procreado maravillosos hijos y nietos. Abuelo de cinco nietos, cree que la lactancia es la mejor iniciación de un ser en la vida. Jim vive en Phoenix con su esposa, Mary Alice. Este es su primer libro. Él puede ser contactado en . y el ilustrador transadaptación por Victory Productions Victory Productions provee servicios de traducción, evaluación y programas de estudio. El equipo Victory de lingüistas nativos y especialistas de contenidos usan recursos propios y expertos pedagógicos para resolver todas las necesidades de lenguajes. Visíte los en . Dibujos lineales por Wesley Davies Un artista residente de New England, Wesley (23) se especializa en ilustración digital y diseño. Terminó sus estudios universitarios en el Kenyon College en 2017 y trabaja como ilustradorpor su cuentaescribiendo suhistorieta en curso The Ecliptic Age (La Edad Eclíptica), y añadiendo plantas a su siempre creciente jardín que cultiva en el interior de su casa.Desde su temprana infancia, inspirado por los muchos libros y documentales sobre la naturaleza que despertaron su pasión por la biología y la antropología, él ha estado dibujando animales. Siempre lo hace feliz poder combinar sus intereses personalescon las ilustraciones que crea. Él puede ser contactado en .

  • Event Sales Program | Platypus Media | United States

    EVENT SALES PROGRAM Our Event Sales Program allows you to fundraise while offering quality materials to your customers, families, or event participants. Perfect for conferences, WBW events, and more! Here's how it works: ​ Select the books you'd like by browsing our store Order any of our books at a 50% discount Return the books that you don't sell Receive your bill after your event Only pay for the books you sold​ To learn more or to place an order, contact Martha at .

  • Atoms Bengali | Platypus Media

    MY FIRST SCIENCE TEXTBOOK #1: Atoms/পরমাণু The first book in the adorable My First Science Textbook series coming soon in a bilingual English/Bengali edition! ​ ​ Atoms are the essential building blocks for everything in the universe. From the water you drink, to the hair on your head, and the book in your hands—they're all made out of the exact same atoms! Basic chemistry has never been such fun. Learn about some of the most fundamental concepts in science BEFORE the social pressure and intimidation of formal schooling. This book introduces subatomic particles, the nucleus, elements, the periodic table, chemical symbols, molecules, covalent and ionic bonds, and more. Let your imagination roam while you and your kiddo ponder what it’s like to live inside an atom! Spanish Bilingual Version Preorder Coming Soon! Concepts covered in this book include: ​ atoms elements molecules The Periodic Table states of matter nucleus isotopes fission Coming July 2021 ​ Paperback ISBN: 978-1-938492-61-7 ​ 32 pages • Size: 8 x 8"• $12.95 Grades: 0–2 • Ages: 2–7 ​ Also available: eBook ($11.99) ISBN: 978-1-938492-62-4 ​ ​ Read more: Press Release Coming Soon! What the experts are saying: “A great way to introduce atoms and chemical elements to young children, who will be amazed that these tiny units make everything around us! Beautiful illustrations, colorful chemical charts, and the bilingual feature will make this book even more attractive to young readers.” ​ —Momin Uddin, Environmental Scientist, Expedited Environmental About the Author Harriet Kim Anh Rodis began illustrating books at the age of seventeen and has been a part of several publications since. She dedicates her career to her dad, who has supported her and her love of books, and who has encouraged her to pursue illustration. She lives in the Philippines. & the Illustrator Mary Wissinger was born in Wisconsin where she spent most of her childhood singing, reading, and daydreaming. She dove into storytelling through acting, singing, and writing. A former teacher, she can now be found at her standing desk in St. Louis, MO, writing stories that inspire curiosity about the world and connection with others. She is the author of the entire Science Wide Open Series: Women in Biology , Women in Chemistry , and Women in Physics . To learn more about Mary, you can check out her website, Translator Shahnoor Islam is a Bangladeshi-American who has worked for Queens Public Library since 2005. She is the Supervising Librarian/Cataloger at Metadata Services, TSD. Shahnoor lives in Queens, NY with her husband and two children, Ariana and Arshan. This is her first book translation. She can be reached at . & the Translator

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Blog Posts (68)

  • Libraries and Librarians Supporting Nursing Families

    Enjoy this excerpt from an Association of Library Service to Children blog about how important it is for librarians to actively support breastfeeding parents. Read the full blog here. This month is the 13th annual National Breastfeeding Month! The campaign helps celebrate the many and varying reasons why this act is so important while focusing the conversation on the babies and families in our communities. Librarians can be crucial in creating a welcoming environment of awareness and support for mothers and lactating parents. Our culture can be hostile toward nursing in public, causing new parents to prefer bottle feeding with formula rather than feel naked and exposed while nursing outside the home. When parents do not feel they can feed their babies wherever they are, the result is often that they abandon breastfeeding. Libraries are essential community resources for families – inviting parents to join their children in activities and providing information on pregnancy, birth, and child-rearing. Because libraries are spaces where children and adults learn together, librarians can play an important role in the promotion and protection of breastfeeding/chestfeeding. Providing resources that model the normalcy and naturalness of nursing not only helps support parents, but also helps to grow the next generation of nursing families. How Can Librarians help? The stigmas and obstacles that surround nursing cannot be changed overnight, but librarians can make inroads into changing peoples’ attitudes – both old and young. Making nursing parents feel welcome in the library is a great start, but the best route to lasting change is by helping children see nursing as a normal and routine activity. Parents cannot advocate for nursing alone; community support from librarians, daycare providers, educators, and neighborhood businesses is essential to actively promote and protect it.

  • Selecting Over-the-Counter Drugs as a Breastfeeding Mother: 5 Tips from a Pharmacist

    If you are a breastfeeding mother, any medication you take could potentially be passed to your infant through breastmilk. Even if the medication is entirely safe for you, there may be harmful consequences for your baby. In fact, there are some very well known, trusted brands and ingredients that are not safe for this very reason. While avoiding certain medications is a familiar concept for someone who has recently gone through a pregnancy, the rules concerning breastfeeding are not so well defined. This isn’t an issue when taking prescription drugs, which must be approved by a professional, but you may find yourself lacking guidance when it comes to over-the-counter (OTC) health products. The OTC products you use can still harm your baby or affect your breastmilk production. So what’s a breastfeeding mom to do? These are basic strategies to follow: 1. Avoid products that do not have enough information. Even herbal remedies or products like caffeinated drinks and acne medication should not be trusted until you know whether they are compatible with breastfeeding. If the information you’re able to find about an OTC product is inconclusive, lacking scientific research, or comes from a dubious source (i.e. is not endorsed by a licensed health professional), it’s best to stay away from it unless your doctor or pharmacist tells you otherwise. See the list of resources at the bottom that can help you find trustworthy information. 2. Use regular-strength products whenever possible, and do not take more than the recommended dose. If the ingredients in the product are safe for breastfeeding, an extra-strength version is not likely to cause severe harm. However, there is no need for your infant (or you) to be exposed to extra amounts of a drug. Terms like “extra strength” or “maximum strength” can cause confusion, and they are sometimes only listed on packaging to make a product sound more effective. So, before using a medication, check if there is a regular-strength or original-strength version. If not, look at similar products or alternative brands, and compare the labels. Choose the product with the lowest amount of the active ingredient, or, depending on the severity of your health needs, choose the lowest amount that you think will treat your symptoms. 3. Avoid long-acting products. This protects your infant from being exposed to a drug for a longer period of time than necessary, especially if side effects or an allergic reaction are possible. Look for products that you can take every 4–6 hours, and avoid ones that say they will last 12 hours or more. Again, you can use your discretion depending on your health needs. For example, if you have severe allergies, it might be worth it to take an allergy product that lasts all day. However, it is best to discuss decisions like this with your doctor and/or pharmacist, and it may be best to test your baby’s reaction by using a short-acting product first. 4. Take products with single active ingredients. It is best to take a medication that has one or two specific ingredients that will treat a particular condition, rather than exposing your breastfeeding infant and yourself to ingredients that you don’t need. Taking medications with only one or two ingredients will also help you avoid accidentally double dosing (for example, you should not take Tylenol along with DayQuil, since DayQuil already contains acetaminophen). 5. Always choose the safest product. This may seem obvious, but it’s worth saying. Read the labels. Do your homework. Research the possible side effects that you or your infant might experience when taking an OTC drug, and make comparisons. A doctor, lactation consultant, or pharmacist can help you if you are unsure. If you talk to health professionals, make sure they know all of your circumstances so they can give you an accurate recommendation. This may feel overwhelming, but giving up on breastfeeding for the purpose of taking a certain medication is not necessary in most instances. There are very few dangerous medications that do not have a suitable alternative. With this in mind, I created a simple, thorough reference guide to OTC products that can help you reach your breastfeeding goals. If you are looking for clear answers to help you choose a safe and effective product for your health needs, I recommend my new book, The Breastfeeding Family’s Guide to Nonprescription Drugs and Everyday Products. This book will help you safely maintain your personal health and minimize any stress, fear, or pain you may be experiencing. That way, you can focus on what’s most important: building a beautiful, lasting bond with your children. Where to find information about whether a product is safe to use while breastfeeding: Dr. Frank J. Nice has practiced as a consultant, lecturer, and author on medications and breastfeeding for over 45 years. He holds advanced degrees in pharmacy administration and public administration and certification in public health pharmacy. He has worked for the U.S. Public Health Service, practiced at the National Institutes of Health, and served as a pharmacist and project manager at the Food and Drug Administration. Dr. Nice has multiple published books and has authored over 50 peer-reviewed articles on the use of prescription medications, over-the-counter products, and herbals during breastfeeding

  • Worthy Cause: Family Connects Prince George’s

    Being a new parent can be overwhelming in the best of circumstances. For moms without a solid support system, the transition to motherhood can be daunting. In Prince George’s County, MD, Alyson Jacobson and her team at the Prince George’s Child Resource Center (PGCRC) are doing all that they can to support the young children in their community -- and our books are part of their strategy! Building Family Connections Prince George’s County Child Resource Center helps create healthy and nurturing environments for children by supporting their families and educating their caregivers. Each year the Resource Center provides family support services to over 1,500 families and training to over 2,000 child care providers, parents and human services workers... potentially touching the lives of nearly half a million children since 1990. The PGCRC uses the Family Connects model, a community program designed to support the health and well-being of all newborns and their families by offering home visits by a highly-trained registered nurse and connections to support resources families can access in their communities. As the Director of Home Visiting Services, Jacobson oversees the logistics of the nurse home visits and makes sure they uphold the PGCRC’s mission of “helping create healthy and nurturing environments for children by supporting their families and educating their caregivers.” Jacobson has been working with children of different age groups for almost all of her career. Knowing that the success of a child begins at birth and that you can’t support the child without supporting the family system around the child. She has progressively shifted to working with younger and younger-aged children. “Appreciating how important early attachment is has driven me to work with younger children,” says Jacobson. Partnerships that Support Families Through the Family Connects program, each new mother at the University of Maryland – Capital Region Health Hospital is given a “New Mom” bag full of goodies. The items inside vary, but may include lip balm, a mint and a pamphlet inviting new moms to contact PGCRC for nurse home visits. Also tucked in the bag is a copy of Cuddled and Carried / Consentido y cargado, Platypus Media’s award-winning bilingual (E/Sp) children’s book celebrating the ways animal mothers care for their babies. Beautiful images introduce the reader to attachment in the natural world. Watching mothers lend a paw, wing, flipper, or hand to care for their young fosters empathy, kindness, and compassion. “This book was perfect,” said Jacobson. “It shows how animal parents care and nurture their babies, modeling healthy attachment behaviors that promote feelings of trust and safety. Plus, a bilingual book allows us to connect with the county’s Hispanic population, which make up about 20% of our residents.” The books were a gift from Prince George’s County, Maryland Councilwoman Jolene Ivey, who works hard to support local families and local businesses. She reached out to Platypus Media, a Washington, DC independent press, and arranged for the books to be included in the “new mom” bags. A mother of five, Councilwoman Ivey, serves on the board of Children’s Hospital and fights hard for the County’s education budget. She made addressing a disparity in funding for the Home Visiting Program a priority when she served as House Chair of the Joint Committee on Children, Youth and Families, and has brought additional funding to the Prince George’s County Child Resource Center. Want to Support this Worthy Cause? Programs such as the PGCRC can make a difference in creating healthy and nurturing communities. Jacobson encourages new parents, wherever they live, to reach out for local resources and support. Expecting and new mothers in Prince George’s County, MD are invited to sign up for this wonderful Family Connects nurse home visit program. Learn more about all the Platypus Media books designed to support mothers and families at To find out how we can partner with your organization’s outreach efforts, contact Caitllin at

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